Patsy Price "Vu"
From first grade class at Garfield till my senior year at College High, I always wanted to be a teacher ----- of whatever I was learning at the time. I ended up an adult educator.

After studying anthropology and linguistics at the University of Kansas, for many years I worked in adult ESL as a teacher, administrator, materials and curriculum developer, teacher trainer and student advisor. Then I moved into adult literacy and community-based education.

Eventually I became a full-time publications freelancer (desktop publisher, copy editor, proofreader and occasional writer or consultant) with a home-based business. I am now 99% retired and in the midst of sorting and clearing out more than 40 years accumulation of stuff, mostly paper. But summer brings distractions, especially flowerbeds, composting, houseplants, farmers' markets and Freecycle.

In 1968 I followed an older man from the University of Kansas to inner-city Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada. In 2000 I followed a younger man to suburban Calgary, Alberta, where Quang and I still live with our cats. He wishes he were nearer retirement age so he'd have more time for woodworking and golf. No children, so no grandchildren, but we do enjoy our nieces and nephews. I love hearing my sister Helen's stories about her grandchildren. I'm terrible about remembering birthdays, but I do remember four: Mine, Helen's, Quang's and Sara Yaple's. I mourn her passing.